THANK YOU for your interest in SILVER STAG Cutlery, and good old American manufacturing!
Our team cuts and trims large quantities of Deer and Elk antler racks using a commercial bandsaw and a very special bone cutting blade. As you can image, not too many bandsaw blades can cut dense thick antler, and if they can, they won’t hold an edge very long. But our bandsaw blades are specifically made for cutting through bone and used in commercial butcher shops.
The blade is manufactured with “Bi-Metal” Specialty Steel, and constructed with a special high-speed steel, and a flexible spring tool steel. This steel is exceptionally durable and holds an edge.
Knowing this, we decided to take a new bandsaw blade, cut it into 6” lengths, then grind a straight edge to the top half of the blade, and we left the teeth on the lower half. We then ground in a hidden tang and epoxied /pinned the blade into an antler tine.
The result, a fantastic and reasonably priced utility knife. It is an exceptional box cutter and utility shop knife (it also makes a great steak knife), and a longer fillet blade is in the works. This steel will stain so if it gets wet, you need wash and thoroughly dry, (if used as a steak knife, we recommend wiping the blade with mineral oil after being cleaned and dried).
The Utility knife can be purchased with or without a leather sheath.
Beautifully Designed
Precision Crafted
Incredibly Durable
Made in the USA
Thank you for supporting SILVER STAG and all Made in the USA products!
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