THANK YOU for your interest in SILVER STAG Cutlery, and good old American manufacturing!
RANCH CHEF SERIES – The line features our handmade D2 steel and AEB-L Stainless steel blades, with Elk or Deer antler handles. The Ranch Chef Series includes a Carver set, a Steak Knife set and a couple of specialty knives that every Kitchen should have. These are exceptional culinary tools that will impress the most selective professional chef, or weekend barbeque cowboy. They are impressive tools and will compliment any cooking environment. Please note, all Full Tang Designs can be built with Antler or Select hardwood (Maple, Walnut or Cocobolo), and also special ordered with jeweling applied to the blades.
Universal Chef Pro - UCP7.75ES
$218.00 USDPro Bone PB4.25+ w-Sheath
from $176.00 USDThe Chef Knife - CK6.0AB
from $229.00 USDCarver Set
$298.00 USDPro Prep Chef - PPC7.0
from $198.00 USDParing Knife - CWP3.0
from $128.00 USDChef Pro - CP8.0AB
from $179.00 USDFT Carver - CFC6.5
from $224.00 USDNEW! - Silver Stag Cutting Board - SSCB12.75 (Not Eligible for International Shipping)
$39.00 USDPro Prep Mini Cleaver - PPMC4.0LE
$188.00 USDRanch Steak Set - RSS.6x
$895.00 USDBullnose Butcher & Carver - BNCCCRDN7.0, BNCCCRDN7.0ES
$199.00 USDChef Ridge Drop Nose - CRDN7.0, CRDN7.0ES
from $172.00 USDFT Pro - CFP5.5AB
from $172.00 USDBeautifully Designed
Precision Crafted
Incredibly Durable
Made in the USA
Thank you for supporting SILVER STAG and all Made in the USA products!
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